In conjunction with St Mary’s College of the University of St Andrews, it was with great pleasure that, in 2019, Canmore Catholic Chaplaincy announced an annual Lecture Series in honour of St Margaret, Queen of Scotland.
The first lecture took place on Wednesday 19 February 2020 at 4 PM in St Salvator's Quad and was given by the world-renowned, Catholic composer, Sir James MacMillan on ‘Catholicism & Music’.
It was followed by a sung Choral Mass in St Salvator’s Chapel at 5:30 PM (in Thanksgiving for the canonisation of St John Henry Newman), celebrated by His Grace, the Most Reverend Leo Cushley, Archbishop of St Andrews and Edinburgh. The music was led by St Salvator’s Chapel Choir, featuring MacMillan's "Mass of Blessed John Henry Newman" and Mass commenced with a massive academic procession led by the Principal and Vice-Chancellor of the University of St Andrews, Professor Sally Mapstone FRSE, who cordially invited attendees to join her for a drinks reception in Lower College Hall.
Owing to the coronavirus pandemic, the 2021 Lecture was held online on Microsoft Teams. This lecture was given by Sister Catherine Joseph Droste, OP, Dean of Theology at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas (Angelicum) in Rome. The topic was 'Saint Catherine of Siena: A Message for Today'. Despite the limitations, over 220 people joined the online lecture, which was followed by a short reflection by Archbishop Cushley.