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We are delighted to announce that this upcoming academic year we will have a CS LEWIS READING GROUP. We will be reading CS Lewis' Abolition of Man, a series of lectures on ethics he gave throughout WWII, and Michael Ward's newly released commentary, After Humanity: A Guide To CS Lewis' Abolition of Man (Word on Fire Academic).

Arguably among Lewis' most important works, Abolition of Man has often been overlooked by enthusiasts and scholars alike. Thanks to Michael Ward, this is changing. His book, After Humanity, guides us through Abolition of Man, explaining Lewis' philosophical views on ethics and morals, the cultivation of aesthetic taste, the nature of the human person, the value of education, and much more.

For more information on both books, see the following link:

The reading group is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students at St. Andrews.

Guidelines permitting, we plan to meet in person at Canmore on Thursday evenings, 7:30pm. For more information and to sign up, contact Dr. Rebekah Lamb (School of Divinity),

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